Survey Report

Survey Report GY22 Millfore

22 November 2018

Project Details

Project Name: GY22-Millfore
Owner: Pedantic
Lead Surveyor: Alan Dawson
Date Created: 23/11/2018
Application Software: Infinity 2.3
Master Coordinate System
Coordinate System Name: OSGB36(15)
Transformation Type: Classical 3D
Residual Distribution: None
Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
Projection Type: Transverse Mercator
Geoid Model: OSGM15GB
CSCS Model: OSTN15(GB)
Hill area: SS04 Merrick-fleet
Satellites: 8-15
VDOP: 1.4-9.7


# Hill name and point Hill number Easting [m] Northing [m] Height [m] Feature Minutes Antenna
height (cm)
error (cm)
1 Millfore alt summit 1707 247,809.308 575,457.164 656.105 Outcrop 12 22 2 22/11/2018 12:15:42
2 Millfore summit 1707 247,812.143 575,460.677 656.121 Rock 20 24 0 22/11/2018 12:36:42

Averaged Points Summary

Max. Distance between Average and Measurement:
Position: 0.100 m
Height: 0.100 m
Weighted Average: Yes

# Point ID Easting [m] Northing [m] Height [m] SD Easting [m] SD Northing [m] SD Height [m] Code Code Group Code Attributes Date/Time
1 Millfore alt summit 247,809.308 575,457.164 656.105 0.002 0.004 0.016 - - - 22/11/2018 12:15:42
Use Source Station Date/Time 3D CQ [m] Pos. [m] Height [m] Pos. & Height [m] Easting [m] Northing [m] Height [m]
Auto 3D KIRK 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.003 0.013 -0.055 0.056 247,809.306 575,457.177 656.160
Auto 3D ESKD 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.002 0.003 0.037 0.037 247,809.310 575,457.161 656.069
Auto 3D EDIN 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.002 0.018 0.036 0.041 247,809.312 575,457.146 656.069
Auto 3D STBE 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.003 0.009 -0.040 0.041 247,809.313 575,457.172 656.145
Auto 3D KELO 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.006 0.006 0.020 0.021 247,809.314 575,457.161 656.085
Auto 3D STRN 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.003 0.016 -0.069 0.071 247,809.299 575,457.177 656.174
Auto 3D WEAR 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.002 0.010 0.036 0.037 247,809.306 575,457.154 656.069
Auto 3D DRUM 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.004 0.012 0.040 0.042 247,809.313 575,457.174 656.065
Auto 3D CAML 22/11/2018 12:15:42 0.004 0.013 -0.065 0.066 247,809.302 575,457.175 656.170

# Point ID Easting [m] Northing [m] Height [m] SD Easting [m] SD Northing [m] SD Height [m] Code Code Group Code Attributes Date/Time
2 Millfore summit 247,812.143 575,460.677 656.121 0.002 0.004 0.017 - - - 22/11/2018 12:36:42
Use Source Station Date/Time 3D CQ [m] Pos. [m] Height [m] Pos. & Height [m] Easting [m] Northing [m] Height [m]
Auto 3D KIRK 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.005 0.013 -0.057 0.059 247,812.141 575,460.689 656.178
Auto 3D SHAP 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.014 0.011 0.006 0.013 247,812.143 575,460.666 656.114
Auto 3D EDIN 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.004 0.010 0.024 0.026 247,812.149 575,460.669 656.097
Auto 3D WEAR 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.013 0.071 -0.053 0.089 247,812.180 575,460.616 656.174
Auto 3D ESKD 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.004 0.009 0.035 0.036 247,812.142 575,460.668 656.086
Auto 3D STRN 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.004 0.014 -0.067 0.068 247,812.135 575,460.689 656.188
Auto 3D DRUM 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.005 0.005 0.045 0.046 247,812.141 575,460.681 656.076
Auto 3D STBE 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.016 0.019 -0.066 0.068 247,812.137 575,460.658 656.187
Auto 3D KELO 22/11/2018 12:36:42 0.005 0.006 0.039 0.040 247,812.149 575,460.675 656.082